While a good talk with a friend or relative about your problems with attention, focus, and concentration may be comforting, this relief is only temporary. Being professionally evaluated and treated for one’s problems with attention and focus with appropriate psychiatric medication will often alleviate the problem quickly and effectively. With more than twenty years of experience, the Center's professionals are skilled physicians, psychiatrists, and nurse practice specialists who specialize in the prescribing of psychiatric medication for adolescents (12 to 18), and adults (19 to 45) with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. They are highly trained to evaluate and treat your ADHD with state-of-the-art psychiatric medication in a way that helps you to feel better quickly.
We offer you an opportunity to treat your ADHD constructively and confidently; freeing you to enjoy all the good things life has to offer. Don’t wait another minute. New patients seeking services should call Dr. Speller at 800 275 3207. We’ll give you an opportunity to meet with us and see if our practice is right for you.
Our practice belongs to some (but not all) managed care and preferred provider health plans.For more information about insurance coverage, please call Nancy at: 866 567 3538.